what is

The Eva Klabin House Museum introduced its Education Program in April 2014, hosting encounters and practical activities involving research, creation, and the stimulation of critical and poetic thinking about culture, art, education, society, etc., fostering dialogue between different audiences and territories from Rio de Janeiro and elsewhere.

The aim is to enable different mediated experiences through the development and execution of a broad array of actions. To this end, the Education Program works in collaboration with education professionals from the formal and informal sectors: schools, universities, social and cultural organizations, artists, researchers, and the general public.

The activities are planned collaboratively between the Education Program team and the group organizers in order to encourage reflections and practices concerning daily life, cultural diversity, art, collections, heritage, architecture, landscaping, and so forth, considering the needs of different audiences.

Av. Epitácio Pessoa, 2.480
Lagoa - CEP: 22471-001
Tels: 3202-8551 | 3202-8550